Phil’s Outlook

Earlier this month the nation celebrated the contribution of volunteers to communities during national Volunteers Week. This often unseen and undercelebrated contribution is critical to everyday life for many people and supports a whole range of positive outcomes.

The personal benefits of volunteering, such as finding a sense of belonging through relational connections, a sense of meaning by making a difference to those around us through an active contribution or simply doing something that you enjoy, are all well evidenced.

The truth is many organisations doing brilliant work in our communities simply would not exist or survive without this army of brilliant volunteers, and if they didn’t exist it provokes the terrifying thought of what life would be like for so many vulnerable people and how much poorer our communities would be without the networks of support they foster and encourage.

Without volunteers, life would certainly be worse for many local children, young people and families. Our annual census clearly shows there would be far fewer positive activities on offer and the subsequent impact on personal and social development would add to the many current challenges our youth are facing.

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