We are thrilled to announce the highly anticipated return of the Les Simmons Youth Impact Awards, a prestigious recognition program that honours exceptional community volunteers and organisations. Established in 2016 as a tribute to the late Les Simmons, a beloved staff member of SCVYS who passed away in July 2015, these awards celebrate individuals who have made a significant difference in the lives of young people.

Les Simmons was a passionate advocate for unlocking the full potential of youth, and the Les Simmons Youth Impact Awards aim to carry forward his legacy by acknowledging those who have dedicated their time and effort to uplift their communities. The awards have become an annual highlight, and we are excited to continue this tradition of celebrating the unsung heroes among us.

This year, SCVYS invites nominations from its member organizations to identify deserving volunteers across three distinct categories: Youth Impact (for volunteers under 18), Adult Impact (for volunteers over 18), and Group Impact (open to any SCVYS member organisation). The nomination process has been simplified through the use of an online form which can be found here Les Simmons Youth Impact Awards – SCVYS Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services (staffscvys.org.uk).

The Les Simmons Youth Impact Awards go beyond recognition. Each nominee will receive a prestigious ‘SCVYS Accreditation’ certificate, a symbol of appreciation for their exceptional contributions to Staffordshire. By highlighting their remarkable work, we aim to inspire others and foster a culture of volunteerism throughout the region.

These special accolades will be presented at the SCVYS Annual General Meeting, where all nominees and winners will be applauded for their outstanding achievements. We believe in celebrating the dedication and passion that often goes unnoticed, ensuring that those who make a real difference are duly acknowledged.

Nominations will be accepted throughout the year, with the deadline for the 2023 submissions set for September 30th. Join us on Thursday, November 9th, at the SCVYS AGM, where the awards ceremony will take place, honouring the exceptional individuals and groups who have positively impacted their communities.

Moving forward, all deserving nominees will receive their well-deserved ‘SCVYS Accreditation’ certificates promptly upon nomination, while the awards will be presented at subsequent AGMs, providing an ongoing platform for recognising the remarkable efforts of our community volunteers.

If you know someone or a group of individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to their community, we encourage you to follow the link to access the nomination forms. Help us shine a spotlight on these exceptional volunteers and celebrate their profound impact.

Together, let us honour the legacy of Les Simmons and inspire a future generation of community-driven individuals, transforming Staffordshire one act of kindness at a time.