Having been hand crafted by volunteer David Gray and garlanded with a cascade of knitted Poppies produced by the village’s Knit & Natter Group and assembled by fellow volunteer Betty Johnson the Werrington “Dustbin Poppies” commemoration is now in place for all to see.
In a fitting accolade to soldiers “Trench Art” where items were made during the war using materials to create ornaments for which they were never intended – vases out of bullet cases – the inventive Werrington volunteers have taken this piece of warfare history to heart by using not-designed-for items to form a commemorative display for Poppy Day.
The giant Poppy Posy is made out of Dustbin Lids painted red with Mop Handles painted green for the stems. Werrington’s “Trench Master” David Gray transformed the everyday items into six beautiful large poppy flower heads with wife Hazel applying her artistic skills to craft the posy effect.
On the same site, at the Rock Monument, there will be a special Remembrance Service and Wreath Laying at 2pm on Sunday 11th November, followed by a church service in St. Philips after which there will be a buffet reception in the Village Hall and a collection for the Royal British Legion
The volunteers are looking to see if they can’t develop their Trench Poppy idea for the future, to give a unique and iconic image for the village, by adding to it with other “trenched” materials such as tin plates to garland as poppies, they already make poppies out of the base of pop bottles and would welcome ideas to – david@dsaimaging.co.uk.