SCVYS Funding and Networking Event
- Meet funders & discuss your ideas
- Have a bespoke funding search carried out for you
- Collect hints and tips for future funding bids
- Network with other VCSE groups
- Bid Writing Advice
- Get advice from the SCVYS Development Team on a range of support
- Corporate Funding advice
- Gift Aid advice
- Children in Need
- Coalfields Regeneration Trust
- Easy Funding
- Tesco Community Grants
- Comic Relief
- Noel Sweeney Foundation
- Staffordshire County Council Climate Action Fund
- The Key Fund
- Severn Trent Community Fund
- Staffordshire Community Foundation
- Office for Staffordshire Police, Fire & Rescue, Crime – SPACE
- Lloyds Bank Foundation
- Idox GRANTfinder – Bespoke grant searches
- Staffordshire County Council – Councillor Community Fund – TBC
- Staffordshire County Council – Climate Action Fund – TBC
- Heritage Lottery
- Together Active
- Together for Carers Service
- The National Lottery – TBC
Reserve your place here
How we can help
SCVYS use the leading funding database GRANTfinder, which contains information on over 8,000 funding schemes.
To request a funding search, please contact your Development Worker to make an appointment, which will last approximately 1 hour. All you need to do beforehand is identify what your group needs funding for and have an idea of how much you require.
Contact us on: 01785 240378 or find out who your local Development Worker is here.
Grant Applications
Our team can offer advice, guidance and proof reading support when it comes to submitting your funding applications, thereby giving them the best chance of success.
We also offer a bid writing service at competitive rates. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Did you Know?
£6,659,260 of funding was accessed by Staffordshire’s Children, Young People and Family’s sector in 2023-24, helped in many cases by SCVYS promotion of and signposting to available funds.
SCVYS Member Feedback:
“Without your skills and background there is no way we would have been able to put together such an impressive case for our Lottery bid.
We are also grateful for the invaluable support that you and SCVYS continue to provide for us!”
Staffordshire Community Foundation
The Community Foundation for Staffordshire offer a range of local grant schemes. They distribute grants on behalf of Government, national charities such as Comic Relief and public organisations, as well as private donors and philanthropists and other trusts and charities.
These schemes are usually open all year, but tend to run in rounds, and so please make sure you check the individual cut off dates on each scheme.
Some schemes will use the same criteria for each round, whereas others may change from round to round depending on priorities. It is important to carefully read the aims and criteria of a scheme before submitting your application.
Visit the Community Foundation for Staffordshire website to find out more.
Local Funding Schemes
A number of statutory organisations in Staffordshire provide small grant schemes for community and voluntary sector organisations. These grants are aimed at supporting a range of projects and activities in local Staffordshire communities. For more information click on the links below:
- Staffordshire County Council – Community Fund
- Staffordshire County Council – Climate Action Fund
- East Staffordshire Borough Council – Councillor Community Fund
- East Staffordshire Borough Council – Ward Enhancement Programme
- Lichfield District Council – Community Funds
- Stafford Borough Council – Small Grants Fund
- South Staffordshire Council – Community Wellbeing Funding
- Staffordshire Moorlands District Council – Community Grants
- Tamworth Borough Council – Voluntary Sector & Community Grants
- Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office – Community Safety Funding
The National Lottery Community Fund
The National Lottery Community Fund support activities that create resilient communities that are more inclusive and environmentally sustainable – activities that will strengthen society and improve lives across the UK. You can read the new Corporate Plan for 2024-2027 here.
Current funding priorities include:
Supporting communities to come together by:
- creating accessible, welcoming places, both physical and virtual, for people to meet
- initiating engaging and inclusive activities that support connections within and between groups of people
- enabling people from all backgrounds to shape the future of their communities
- cultivating an increased sense of belonging.
Supporting environmentally sustainable communities that:
- reduce carbon emissions and negative environmental impact
- create positive environmental impacts
- establish equality of access to the natural environment
- improve the quality of natural spaces.
Enabling children and young people to thrive by:
- creating opportunities for children and young people from all backgrounds to enjoy community experiences
- helping children and young people shape the decisions that affect them and their communities
- providing children and young people access to safe spaces to play, participate, socialise and get support.
Enabling people to live healthier lives by:
- helping reduce health inequalities
- increasing opportunities for community participation to shape better health services
- taking a preventative approach to health.
Funding programmes and how to apply
Awards for All England: Provide grants of between £300 – £20,000, for up to two years. Find out more
Reaching Communities England: Offer a larger amount of funding (over £20,001) for community projects that last up to five years. Find out more
Partnerships: Offer funding over £20,001 or more, for up to five years. This fund will support organisations who are working together with a shared set of goals to help communities thrive. Find out more