On the 31st May, the young people of the Staffordshire Youth Union (SYU) visited the county buildings in Stafford.


Greeted by Councillor Phil Hewit, Chairman of the County Council, and Adie Hewit, Consort to the Chairman and Cannock Chase District Councillor, the SYU sat down to lunch inside the library. Afterwards, they had a tour of the county building, learning of the historical and political significance of the many rooms inside and finding out about the previous councillors, their roles and how these have changed over time.


Following this, the SYU had the privilege of holding their official meeting inside the council chambers. Here, they elected members of the SYU into specific roles within the union, such as chair and vice chair. With these roles now officially filled, the SYU hope to get stuck in around Staffordshire, listening to the voices of young people in the area and making sure they are heard on the issues that are important to them.


So far, the SYU has officially represented Staffordshire young people in matters such as mental health, accessibility and the local transport plan. We look forward to seeing what they will accomplish in the future and the positive changes they will no doubt bring about for their peers in Staffordshire.